I got a bunch of free vouchers for baby food, none of which Jonah will eat. He tried the applesauce, green beans, and carrots, but he doesn't really like the pureed texture, and now spits it out. What can I say, he's a scraps n' table-food junkie.
So, what brilliant thing did I do? I cashed them all in for Mango baby food, and am now having a field day making mango smoothies!!
They are so delicious, and I am addicted. (don't tell my older kids it's baby food, they won't eat it)
3 Jars Mango baby food
1 frozen banana
2 cups Vanilla yogurt
1 cup milk
Blend it all together= heavenly mango wonderfulness!
I've been taking all the other baby foods and sneaking them into my cooking. A little green bean puree in the spaghetti sauce, a little sweet potato puree in the muffins, a little carrot puree in the pancakes.....Yum!